Hawksley Schindler

Mortgage Knowledge Base

From approximately 1949 to 1956, Richard Costain Ltd manufactured prefabricated reinforced concrete (PRC) frames for 1,400 terraced and semi-detached units, known as Hawksley Schindler houses, with external brick cladding.

These prefab structures were based on the Schindler-Göhner system of house construction. The load-bearing structure comprised pre-cast concrete pillars and reinforced concrete beams that were assembled on-site. The brick facing, pitched roof, and overall design gave the impression of a traditional brick-built house.

While Hawksley Schindler houses may appear to be conventional brick houses, they are actually of non-traditional concrete construction. Some have experienced structural issues due to corrosion of the steel reinforcement within the concrete.

If a Hawksley Schindler house has undergone repairs as part of a recognised PRC homes repair scheme, it may be easier to obtain a concrete house mortgage, though some lenders may still be hesitant.

The post-World War II period saw a significant increase in demand for housing in the UK due to population growth and the need to replace housing destroyed during the war. To address this housing shortage, various types of non-traditional or prefabricated housing were built, including those made using the Airey, Hawksley Schindler, Reema, Dorran, Wimpey No-Fines, and other systems. These types of housing were intended to be quick and cheap to construct using mass production techniques and modern building materials, such as concrete.

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