Borrow the extra to put your home improvement ideas into action

OUR HOMES HAVE become more important than ever, not only for eating and sleeping but for other needs like working from home and exercising. And while some homeowners will decide to upsize and buy a new property, others take the opportunity to plan home improvements.

Are you planning some significant home improvements such as an extension or conversion this year? Wondering how to pay and whether you can raise funds from your mortgage to do it?


Many homeowners remortgage to fund home improvements because the interest rates are lower than on personal loans or credit cards. But remortgaging will depend on your property, your existing mortgage loan and your current financial situation.

Whether it’s a new bathroom, kitchen, loft conversion or extension, you’ll need to think about the best way of funding your home improvement project.

These are the main things to take into consideration when considering increasing your mortgage to carry out home improvements:

Affordability: If you increase your mortgage loan, your monthly payments will rise. Before agreeing to a remortgage in these circumstances, the lender will check your income is high enough to afford the new payments after all your other outgoings have been deducted.

Cost of the home improvements: The lender will consider the cost of the home improvements in their assessment to give you an idea of what loan amount they will approve.

Credit history: Lenders will look at your income, employment status, job security, debts and credit history. Your credit score is a primary factor in the lender’s decision whether to approve your remortgage or not. So avoid the shock of being rejected by understanding how lenders may see you before you apply.

Equity: If you’ve owned your property for a number of years, the chances are you’ll have built up some equity. If property prices have really increased since you purchased your home, then you may have enough equity to fund your project.

Financial circumstances: Whether you are looking to switch to a new mortgage deal with your existing lender or to move to a new lender, your financial situation will be reassessed. If you have a track record of late or missed payments, it may result in lenders turning you down. Lenders that do accept borrowers who have had mortgage payment issues typically charge higher interest rates.

Type of property: Consider whether your home improvements will add value to your home. A local estate agent can help you assess whether you will see a return on your investment if that is important to you.

For a full assessment of your options speak with an independent mortgage broker.


  1. You could add value to your property
  2. Create more living space
  3. Stay in your current location
  4. Stay near to schools
  5. Save money on the cost of moving home

You will find more useful information in our guide: Borrowing for home improvements

Sean Horton
Sean has been involved in financial services since 1988 and regularly writes about mortgages and property investment to help readers better understand their financial options.

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